Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) presents many challenges to employers globally, including International Finance Corporation (IFC) clients, as providers of jobs and livelihoods for workers and their famili...
Tipo: Working PaperInforme#: 151362Fecha: 6 de abril de 2020
Youth unemployment rates are high in Argentina, where over 23 percent of women and 19 percent of men aged 14 to 29 are out of work. Tied to a mismatch between the experience and skills youth have and ...
Tipo: BriefInforme#: 147834Fecha: 6 de abril de 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic is a human tragedy that presents many challenges to employersglobally, including IFC clients, who provide key products and services in many countries as wellas jobs and livelihoo...
Tipo: Working PaperInforme#: 151363Fecha: 6 de abril de 2020
This document presents results of a randomized control trial on the effects of Component one of the Sustainability Project of the Rural Water and Sanitation Sector (PROSASR). The intervention’s main o...
Tipo: ReportInforme#: 147514Fecha: 1 de abril de 2020Autor:
Borja-Vega,Christian ;
Luengas Sierra,Pavel ;
Grabinsky Zabludovsky,Jonathan
Maintaining trade flows as much as possible during the COVID-19 pandemic will be crucial in providing access to essential food and medical items and in limiting negative impacts on jobs and poverty. S...
Tipo: BriefInforme#: 147184Fecha: 1 de abril de 2020
These remarks were delivered by World Bank Group President David Malpass to G20 Leaders’ Virtual Summit on March 26, 2020. He explained about the World Bank Group' s work to take broad swift action to...
Tipo: President's SpeechInforme#: 147143Fecha: 26 de marzo de 2020Autor:
These remarks were delivered by World Bank Group President David Malpass on G20 Finance Ministers Conference Call on COVID-19 on March 23, 2020. Malpass today issued his remarks from the G20 Finance M...
Tipo: President's SpeechInforme#: 147067Fecha: 23 de marzo de 2020Autor:
Addressing the challenges of fragility, conflict, and violence is critical to achieving the World Bank Group's twin goals of ending extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity. By 2030, more than h...
Tipo: Board ReportInforme#: 146551Fecha: 9 de marzo de 2020
In recent years, Argentina has made significant advances in improving educational opportunities for young women, breaking discriminatory practices, and guaranteeing their sexual and reproductive right...
Tipo: BriefInforme#: 147832Fecha: 6 de marzo de 2020
These remarks were delivered by IMF Managing Director and World Bank Group President at the Joint Press Conference on COVID-19 on March 4, 2020. The IMF Managing Director spoke in detail about the pot...
Tipo: President's SpeechInforme#: 147013Fecha: 4 de marzo de 2020Autor:
The Latin America and Caribbean region (LAC) has achieved substantial progress on gender equality in past decades. Gains have come in diverse areas like declines in fertility and maternal mortality, g...
Tipo: Working PaperInforme#: 128525Fecha: 1 de marzo de 2020Autor:
Muller,Miriam ;
Resource recovery from wastewater facilities in the form of energy, reusable water, biosolids, and other resources, such as nutrients, represents an economic and financial benefit that contributes to ...
Tipo: ReportInforme#: 146823Fecha: 1 de marzo de 2020Autor:
Rodriguez,Diego Juan ;
Serrano,Hector Alexander ;
Delgado Martin,Anna ;
Gustavo Saltiel, Daniel Nolasco y
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