El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la efectividad de las transferencias federales correspondientes al FISM en el abatimiento de la pobreza y el rezago social a nivel municipal. La necesidad de rea...
Tipo: Working PaperInforme#: 129616Fecha: 1 de agosto de 2018Autor:
Rodríguez-Castelán,Carlos ;
Cadena Kotsubo,Kiyomi Erika ;
The document gives account for background information that has been considered to design the Benefit Sharing System (SDB) for the National Strategy on Climate Change and Vegetation Resources (ENCCRV) ...
Tipo: Working PaperInforme#: 129236Fecha: 1 de agosto de 2018Autor:
Quintanilla, Osvaldo ;
Sartori, Angelo ;
Cano, Javier ;
Moraga, Jaeel
Policy makers are increasingly turning to behavioral science to help tackle intractable policy challenges, including increasing student learning, raising savings rates, promoting energy and resource c...
Tipo: BriefInforme#: 128784Fecha: 24 de julio de 2018
The right of access to information is a powerful tool in the fight against corruption and in achieving good governance and development. It serves both government and its citizens by increasing confi...
Tipo: ReportInforme#: 127986Fecha: 1 de julio de 2018Autor:
The aim of this report and toolkit is to provide analysis of and options for the tax treatment of OITs. To these ends, it addresses several questions: (i) What considerations arise in deciding whether...
Tipo: Working PaperInforme#: 128321Fecha: 1 de julio de 2018
El uso y la aplicación de un enfoque que incluya la contabilidad del capital natural en las políticas públicas y las decisiones privadas se han extendido en todo el mundo en los últimos años, particul...
Tipo: Working PaperInforme#: 129490Fecha: 1 de julio de 2018Autor:
Castaneda Sanchez,Juan Pablo ;
Castera Errea,Melissa Ivy
The aim of this report and toolkit is to provide analysis of and options for the tax treatment of OITs. To these ends, it addresses several questions: (i) What considerations arise in deciding whether...
Tipo: Working PaperInforme#: 128321Fecha: 1 de julio de 2018
Climate change is a threat to global development and to the core Mission of the World Bank Group. With the recognition that human activity drives global warming, the World Bank Group has pursued a lon...
Tipo: IEG EvaluationInforme#: 132589Fecha: 29 de junio de 2018
Chile’s furthest northern and southern regions are designated as Extreme Zones or Zonas Extremas and benefit from special public policies that grant fiscal incentives to residents and companies to enc...
Tipo: CorrespondenceInforme#: 125944Fecha: 28 de junio de 2018Autor:
Portugal Perez,Luis Alberto
ESS 8 recognizes that cultural heritage provides continuity in tangible and intangible forms between the past, present and future. People identify with cultural heritage as a reflection and expression...
Tipo: GuidelineInforme#: 136586Fecha: 28 de junio de 2018Autor:
Tipo: ReportInforme#: 127735Fecha: 26 de junio de 2018Autor:
Gutiérrez,Catalina ;
Stuart,Robyn M ;
Wilson,David P ;
Lavadenz,Fernando ;
Reporter,Iyanoosh ;
En los últimos años, Uruguay ha evidenciado las consecuencias de la contaminación difusa proveniente de la actividad agropecuaria, lo que ha sido abordado a través de programas voluntarios para promov...
Tipo: Working PaperInforme#: 129489Fecha: 21 de junio de 2018Autor:
Piaggio,Matias Jose ;
Alpizar, F. ;
Guzman, M. ;
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