Tipo: ReportInforme#: 172936Fecha: 1 de junio de 2022Autor:
Urquijo Velasquez,Lenis Enrique ;
Valderrama, José ;
Arango Soler,Juan Manuel ;
Aguirre Martens,Gabriel Eduardo ;
Toro,Juan Pablo ;
Campbell,Jonathon Robert ;
Veillard,Jeremy Henri Maurice
The influx of large numbers of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) can pose a significant challenge to health systems, even in the most developed settings. In contexts which are fragile o...
Tipo: ReportInforme#: 182576Fecha: 1 de junio de 2022Autor:
World Bank
Working mothers in Mexico face increased difficulties to engage in paid work, regardless of their level of education or income status mainly due to social norms backing the unequal distribution of car...
Tipo: ReportInforme#: 174883Fecha: 31 de mayo de 2022Autor:
Gurgel,Anita Amaral ;
Gonzalez Garcia,Maria Teresa
Tipo: ReportInforme#: 172941Fecha: 31 de mayo de 2022Autor:
Urquijo Velasquez,Lenis Enrique ;
Valderrama, José ;
Arango Soler,Juan Manuel ;
Aguirre Martens,Gabriel Eduardo ;
Toro,Juan Pablo ;
Campbell,Jonathon Robert ;
Veillard,Jeremy Henri Maurice
The Primary Health Care Performance Initiative (PHCPI) has been working for some years with various countries around the world to measure the performance of Primary Health Care (PHC). In the case of C...
Tipo: ReportInforme#: 182663Fecha: 17 de mayo de 2022Autor:
Bonilla Torres, Janet ;
Bernal Pulido,Luis Gabriel ;
Bernal Acevedo,Oscar Alberto ;
Villar Uribe,Manuela
These remarks were delivered by World Bank Group President David Malpass at World Bank Group 2022 Spring Meetings Ministerial Roundtable for Support to Ukraine on April 21, 2022. He said that he has b...
Tipo: President's SpeechInforme#: 170789Fecha: 12 de mayo de 2022Autor:
This guidance note was prepared by International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank staff under a project undertaken with the support of grants from the financial sector reform and strengthening initi...
Tipo: PublicationInforme#: 173541Fecha: 8 de mayo de 2022Autor:
Hashimoto,Hideo ;
Mooi,Yen Nian ;
Pedras, Guilherme ;
Roy, Arindam ;
Chung, Kay ;
Galeza,Tadeusz ;
Papaioannou,Michael G. ;
Katz,Peter ;
Bango,Zsolt ;
Gragnani,Jose Antonio ;
O'Reilly Gurhy,Bryan ;
Paladines,Cindy Elizabeth
When societies become more equal, economies become more resilient. Besides being the right thing to do, gender equality makes economic sense. The World Bank estimates that, globally, differences betwe...
Tipo: PublicationInforme#: 171178Fecha: 5 de mayo de 2022Autor:
World Bank
The COVID-19 pandemic represents the largest economic shock the world economy has witnessed in decades, causing a collapse in global activity. Nevertheless, there are signs that global activities are ...
Tipo: Working PaperInforme#: 168599Fecha: 4 de mayo de 2022Autor:
Serrano Machorro,Juan Carlos ;
Silveira Do Nascimento,Leonardo
Honduras has significant investment potential, with ample productive resources, a solid industrial base, a market-oriented reform agenda, a strategic location with access to many international markets...
Tipo: ReportInforme#: 174837Fecha: 1 de mayo de 2022Autor:
World Bank
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