Apurimac, one of the regions in Peru with the highest potential for mining investment, is expected to produce 20 percent of Peru’s annual production of copper in the next ten years, according to the M...
Tipo: Working PaperInforme#: 162128Fecha: 27 de julio de 2021
Investors, including International Finance Corporation (IFC) and other development finance institutions, increasingly look at governance as an indicator of firm quality and a factor in investment sele...
Tipo: ReportInforme#: 162129Fecha: 27 de julio de 2021Autor:
Karapetyan,Davit ;
Wasti,Nazeem A. ;
Volynets,Alexey K. ;
Di Miceli Da Silveira,Alexandre
Primary health care (PHC) powers health systems fit for the post- Coronavirus disease (COVID) world. In crises and at ordinary times, strong PHC saves lives and money and makes health systems work bet...
Tipo: BriefInforme#: 160962Fecha: 23 de julio de 2021
As an investor in oil, gas, and mining projects around the world and as a trusted advisor to companies operating in these sectors, IFC applaud and support the growing industry awareness about the impo...
Tipo: ReportInforme#: 162039Fecha: 23 de julio de 2021Autor:
Eftimie,Adriana Maria ;
Heller,Katherine C. ;
Goldberg,Sherry Lisa
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