The world is in the midst of a technological revolution. Students are not being adequately prepared to thrive in this rapidly changing world. Education systems, especially in low- and- middle-income c...
Tipo: ReportInforme#: 154672Fecha: 31 de marzo de 2021Autor:
Hawkins,Robert J. ;
Trucano,Michael ;
Cobo Romani,Juan Cristobal ;
Twinomugisha,Alex ;
Sanchez Ciarrusta,Inaki Alejandro
Infrastructure worldwide has suffered from chronic under-investment for decades and currently makes up more than 60 of greenhouse gas emissions. A deep transformation of existing infrastructure system...
Tipo: PublicationInforme#: 142499Fecha: 30 de marzo de 2021Autor:
Herrick, Douglas ;
Kooka, Kate ;
Marchal, Virginie ;
Mullan, Michael ;
Perry,Edward Abdon ;
Morgado, Naeeda Crishna
These remarks were delivered by World Bank Group President David Malpass on Building a Green, Resilient, and Inclusive Recovery at London School of Economics virtually on March 29, 2021. He acknowledg...
Tipo: President's SpeechInforme#: 157818Fecha: 29 de marzo de 2021Autor:
The global COVID-19 vaccination campaign, the largest public health initiative ever undertaken, presents challenges unprecedented in scale, speed and specificities, especially in low and middle-income...
Tipo: ReportInforme#: 157494Fecha: 29 de marzo de 2021
In this paper, the authors present the evidence on why childcare matters for building human capital, look at the current status of childcare provision worldwide, including an estimate of the global ga...
Tipo: ReportInforme#: 156616Fecha: 28 de marzo de 2021Autor:
Devercelli,Amanda Epstein ;
Beaton-Day,Frances Mary
The impacts of speed on the safety of road users, on congestion, on pollution, and on total costs of road travel are broadly misunderstood: often based on wrong assumptions, with effects taken as self...
Tipo: ReportInforme#: 154866Fecha: 22 de marzo de 2021Autor:
Job,Raymond Franklin Soames ;
Mbugua,Leah Watetu
The objectives of the report are: to establish a general understanding of climate change, its causes, and adverse impacts to development and transport; give an overview of global initiatives and finan...
Tipo: ESMAP PaperInforme#: 157541Fecha: 18 de marzo de 2021Autor:
Darido,Georges Bianco
El Plan de Acción de Genero basado en un Análisis de Genero específicamente desarrollado para entender las dinámicas de género que están asociadas al uso y manejo de recursos naturales en la República...
Tipo: ReportInforme#: 167356Fecha: 1 de marzo de 2021Autor:
Meyreles Vicioso De Ruiz,Lourdes Fernanda ;
López,Olga Luciano
Teach ECE is a free classroom observation tool that provides a window into one of the less explored and more important aspects of a child’s education: what goes on in the classroom. The tool is intend...
Tipo: ReportInforme#: 157446Fecha: 1 de marzo de 2021
Economists have long argued that developing countries have the potential for high productivity growth if they adopt existing technologies and apply them to the local context. This report brings to bea...
Tipo: PublicationInforme#: 120336Fecha: 26 de febrero de 2021Autor:
Cirera,Xavier ;
Maloney,William F.
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